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Akhirat awaits. Heaven or Hell ?
Assalamua'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Dear sisters and brothers, moms and dads, youngsters and eldest. New entry. Akhirat awaits ! Yeah, akhirat awaiting for us with UNKNOWN RESULTS on a MYSTERIOUS DATE by CALCULATING THE GOOD DEEDS of ours. It's not too late for hijrah-ing. Hardship comes before success. Study before exams. Live before die. Dunia before Akhirat. Isn't it ? Think twice, done once. Three phase should be upgrade !
-Words shows the outside of you. People do judge you with every single word that comes out from your mouth. But only Allah's the true judges among all. Be careful. Aware of each words that are out of you. Think twice, speaks well.
-Sincerity. Good deeds should be done with the sincerity. Without hoping for rewards in return. Hati suci tanpa bintik-bintik hitam adalah hati yang dipelihara niatnya. From the heart, filtered in mind and spill out of the mouth. "Nawaitu" in the first place. As said by Rasulullah s.a.w "Innamal a'malu binniat." "Sesungguhnya sesuatu perkara itu berdasarkan niat." "Indeed all actions are based on the intentions."
-Islam is a complete religion. It taught everything with the right way of doing it. It's called as adab. Whatever you do, it reflects who you are. As a Muslims, your attitude is the most important. Your akhlak shows your real face.