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Basecode by: Aina Syaza
Editor: Amel Jasmeen
Owner: Usui's
He's The Best Listener
Assalamua'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


He's the best listener. Oh, wait. You, you and you, 'he' there isn't your boyafren or 'abang angkat' or your father and brothers okay ? 'He' means our Lord. The Creator of all. Allah The Most Beneficial and Merciful. He's the best listener ever. Allah Maha Mendengar kan ? 

          Dear sisters and brothers, I know you have two many secrets. You have your personal problems. Those can't be share with others. Well, Allah is the best choice. Allah knows everything. He planned everything for you. You don't need to shout or cry or whatever so called 'kerja gila' yang takde faedahnya pun. Sia-sia je. Better pray to Allah. He listens to every single word from your mouth, even deep in your heart. Even dalam Al-Quran pun ada sebut *tak ingat surah apa*

"Ya Rabb says : Call on Me, I'll answer your prayers."

Even sekarang, ramai yang tengah frust or stress because of some problems, remember Allah is there for you. Nak cerita bukan dekat kawan atau sesiapa pun. Tapi kepada Yang Maha Mendengar. Ceritalah dekat kawan awak sekali pun, apa diorang boleh buat ? Just listen and then tak pepasal kita pulak kena kutuk eh ? Kan, ada jugak kan ? Boleh pulak cemtu. That's why Allah is the best listener. He listen and He solved. He gives us the guidance. 

"If what's ahead serves you, and what's behind hurts you, then just look ABOVE,  Allah never fails to helps you."

Tempat mengadu bukan pada si 'dia', pada diari, pada kawan atau tembok *kes terlepas Tanjung Rambutan* Bare in mind. When God is your reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit. Senanglah kan, berdoa itulah waktu mengadu kita. Sesi luahan antara kita dan Dia. Tak susah. Solat lima kali sehari, berdoa jugak. Tetiba muhasabah diri, berdoalah. Ada beberapa waktu mustajab untuk berdoa. Waktu tengah malam, lailatul qadr, waktu solat, waktu Maghrib, waktu hujan and many more. Read and you'll know. Bohonglah kalau kata takde masa. Setakat tadah tangan memohon ampun kepada Ilahi takkan sesusah bebanan hidup kat dunia. Dia sentiasa meringankan bebanan kita. 

O' Allah, make my last word "La ilaha illallah"

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