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Hai, Mr. Doctor !
Assalamua'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hi sisters and brothers, miss me ? Hahahah, joking. Miss my entries ? Ok, perasan. Hey there doctor ! Do you have any medicine for curing sadness ? If there is ... well, there is ! LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. Are you concern about it ? Sadness ruined the day. Gosh, you need a mental therapy.
Kekadang tertanya-tanya "Kenapa kita yang kena tanggung ?" atau "Until when ?" dan "Why He chose me ?" TAKDIR. DESTINY. One answer. Kerana Dia Maha Mengetahui dan Dia tahu kita mampu. Just follow the flow. And if you're given choices, ask from His guidance. One would say "Is there any way for me to get out from this miserable life ?" If there is, then you may go. But I should remind, PROBLEMS AFTER YOU. Saya pernah rasa. Pernah lalui. Sedang berhadapan. Akan sentiasa menghadapinya. It's the same for everyone. Look, I once thought it's a burden, when the right time comes, you'll get to know that there's goods for every problem.
Cupp. Tapi harini bukan nak cerita pasal LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. Naa ahh. It's the Mr. Doctor. Hoho, siapakah dia ? Nak tahu ? Well, stay with me. Dia, seorang doktor yang hanya tahu merawat satu jenis penyakit. Alah, mcm doktor pakar. Kalau paeditrik rawat kanak-kanak, kalau ortopedik bahagian otot, kalau dentist doktor gigi, kalau optician pakar mata, dan surgeon pakar bedah kan ? Tapi .. Mr. Doctor saya ni doktor pakar kesedihan. Dia merawat semua pesakit yang tak gembira. Yang ada masalah. Tapi dia bukan psychiatrist ! Doktor ni comel tahu. Hahaha, nama dia Muaz. Yeah dia sangatlah pakar. Eh, kejap ! Apa ni apa ni. Jangan su'dzon melulu. Muaz ni adik saya. Mr. Doctor saya yang paling hensem. Hew, kembang dia. Setiap kali saya buat fake smile, mesti tak jadi. Sebab dialah. Suka bocor rahsia. Entah ada psikik kot budak ni. Macam tau tau je org ada problems. And dia satu-satunya org yg dengar masalah saya. Masa kecik-kecik mmg kami asyik bergaduh je, itu yg dia kena hantar pergi tahfiz. Tapi bila dah besar, bukan main rapat lagi. Haish, disebabkan dia ni tinggi, org ckp dia abg saya. Yolah, I really hope he's my ABANG, not ADIK. Apa-apa pun dia tetap ABANG dalam keluarga kami. Miss you Muaz :* Mr. Doctor bila nak balik nih ? |