

Assalamualaikum et bonjour.

May Allah grants you with all His blessings, loves and prosperities


Entries About Link Stuff



Basecode by: Aina Syaza
Editor: Amel Jasmeen
Owner: Usui's
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's the holiday. Saat yang dinanti-nantikan students and teachers kot. A week ! Rasanya macam tak cukup je kan kan ? Hahahah. Saat orang tengah busy bercuti *ceh, bercuti pun busy* aku pulak busy berdating. Wo wait. With homework. Sigh.

Nasib bebudak PMR cenggini ah. No rest ! Peh, nasib dah habis first exam, hilang satu fasa. Otak serius kena pulon waktu cuti nih. Bicara Berirama kembali wowowo ! Rasa macam nak loncat ! Masa cikgu bagitau tu, dah membara semangat. Ceh. Nak revenge lah katanya. Last year kan diundang just untuk buat persembahan peringkat negeri. Now bertanding secara bermaruah pulok xD

The End.
Taktau nak buat entri apa. 
Losing ideas.
Cerpen tergantung tak bertali. #Eh ?
Catch up for le next entries.

Let me capture the moments. Enjoy your holidays. Whooopsi, homework siapkan ye not on the eleventh hour.

Pray for SMKA (P) AlMashoor

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