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We're meant to be sisters
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
"What is Islam ?"
Seorang sahabat non-Muslim bertanya tentang Islam. In the age of 13. Dalam hati punya nak menangis cari jawapan.
A. A religion
B. Brought by Muhammad S.A.W
C. Only belief in one God
D. Peaceful and harmony
Yepp. All of the above.
"A peaceful and harmony religion brought by Muhammad S.A.W. that orders to stay faith in Allah, the only God." Senyum segaris.
"Tell me more !" Duh, tercengang. Hati berdebar tak terkata.
'Aku bukannya reti sangat nih.'
'Face it and tell her more !'
'But .. but .. salah kang tak ke naya ?'
'Dia dah tunjuk minat, dakwah seminit pun jadilah.'
Dan dia mula bercerita. Dari basic sampai sirah Anbiya'. Satu kisah ke satu kisah. Dari hukum ke hukum. Tersentap sebentar.
"Why do some Muslim women don't wear their hijab ?" *Dush* "Are you a Christian ?" Anggguk. "Why do some Christians don't go to church on Sunday ? Isn't it compulsory ?" "Yeah, they may be lack of faith." "Well then it's the same situation as for some Muslims too. Lacking of faith, makes them lost the sense of obedience and believe in God. It's not Islam who at fault but the Muslim itself whom lack of religious upbringing despite knowing wearing hijab is compulsory for Muslim women." "How to convert to Islam ?" "In Malaysia, you can convert to any religion when you're 18 and above. Once you say the syahadah you are already a Muslim." And the conversation last for hours. 2013. *A message from the non-Muslim, an old friend* "Thanks to you my old friend. Now I realize the truth." "What was that ?" Dahi berkerut-kerut. "La ilaha illallah wa Muhammad Rasulullah." *Ketuk kepala* Auch. *Tampar muka* Double Auch. *Cubit-cubit pipi* Triple Auch ! "Beb, you're not daydreaming. Stop hurting yourself or whatever." Dia menghantar mesej lagi apabila mesej yang tadi tidak dibalas. Such an instinctive person. Heh. "Allah. You're a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. Just a tight slap and it hurts much. But how .. ?" "And the rest .. is history." And the conversation ended. *Based on true story Kawan, belajar bangun setelah jatuh. |